Ink Aplenty

I was reading up on Badastronomy about Phil’s new commitment to some ink and it reminded me some of my colleagues were ribbing me about this Geocaching thing.  You know, that whole “killing yourself to sign a scrap of paper under a lamp post” hobby.  😉  It’s funny, actually, since my peers who have never been out laugh derisively while I’ve made more client and employee muggle converts than I can count.

All I did was take them out at lunch time for a quick find.  Hooked.  I love that.

But I digress.  My colleagues have been ribbing me, sending pictures of a Geocaching tattoo they are sure I am in line to receive.  I finally figured out where they got it: the TATTOO FORUM! Who the heck knew such a thing existed?

Well, besides Google.

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One Response to Ink Aplenty

  1. lotrat says:

    I’ve taken a few co-workers out for a find or two. Some like it, some don’t. I’ve noticed that the metro type guys don’t go for it. I guess they are too worried about their shoes to enjoy the hunt.

    The TB tat is pretty cool. Nothing permanent for me… My wife’s family is (was) big into tattoo’s. They always wanted to get me in the chair, even for free… Not my cup of tea.

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