We just chatted last night about a potential CITO event in North San Diego county. The gurus were originally aiming for a February date (and that might still happen on a small scale) but now it looks like we’re targeting to coincide with the 7th Annual Cache In Trash Out events in May.
If you’re interested, hop on the NCC Yahoo! group and drop a line there. Waterlassie or somebody else will always write back. We’re a talkative group. More info to follow, but it all looks to be great fun. peterkraatz and dougandsuzy are talking about a cache war in the area (well, peterkraatz is, dougandsuzy is probably just placing caches) while some big ideas are being bandied about for this event. This will be a first ever for the North County! Show up and clean up. Good fun.
In anticipation of the obvious question “why do you get all snobby and refer only to North San Diego County; you’re an elitist and your caches suck, too” I am about to lay down a little geography lesson, starting with this:

This is BIG!
4,500 square miles
Populated by over 3.8 million people
Larger by area than Qatar, Jamaica, Lebanon, Puerto Rico, Luxembourg, Samoa, Bermuda and 61 other COUNTRIES
Larger by population than 100 countries
Home to 4,000-5,000 geocaches out of the 60,000 in California
There are more geocaches in San Diego county than in most STATES I visit on a regular basis. I can haz a North County yet?
The truth is- we are freakin’ huge! As an example of that the San Diego south contingent has a darned highway adopted down there. There are enough geocachers just in the city of San Diego to host a 50-person event every weekend for a year and never see anyone twice. We are one giant epicenter of geocaching. Let’s capitalize on that fact.
There is room enough for a geocaching center of excellence for each of the compass rose points and a few more to boot. Heck- I think it’s neat that the “San Diego Geocachers” call themselves by that moniker. It’s appropriate, and cool. I just don’t live there and it would be silly to call them “South County” or “South San Diego County” cachers, because they’re not. (besides, they got dibs on the name) So there is much to like about our size as a region. I also like the great mass of geocaching available to the local or visitor countywide. If you’ve ever looked at Mission Trails Regional Park (a South County staple) on the overhead you will notice a blanket of caches covering the area. That’s commitment. Guajome, Calaveras, Route 395: same deal. Del Mar, Poway, El Cajon- ditto. On the TJ border and even on a stick floating a half mile out to sea: we got it covered.
We’ve also got trash. Lots and lots of trash. North County trash and South County trash, along with East and West trash.
So I fall right in that elitist camp, mainly because I don’t want to visit each and every one of the 4,526 square miles of the county myself and since I live in the middle of a little 1,000 square mile quadrant of the county. That’s it, just 1,000 square miles. I don’t get out much. With that straw man question resolved, let’s see if we can’t help out all 4 corners of this awesome County this May.
North County. It’s not a swear word. (even though my caches induce them)