A very good friend of mine, Terez Anderson, is a professor of Speech Communication at MiraCosta College in Oceanside, CA. She and I attended San Diego State University together. Now she works with my old Forensics coach at MiraCosta, Neil Moura. These are great people and great programs with which I am proud to have been affiliated. Even more, I am privileged in that when Terez picks up a semester of Group Communication, SPComm106, she invites me in for one class to take over and do what I do best:
Act like a complete fool in a college classroom. Or something.
And I was able to enjoy that again last night. Actually, the fool part was incidental. The rest was me explaining the relevance of their coursework to the real world. Group Communication is an under-appreciated science. There are some hokey theories in the mix but on the whole the study of people in groups is both fascinating and useful. Psychology plays a huge part, which just adds to the fun.
I will post the outline after next week’s class but there were a few links I mentioned would prove useful. Here they are:
Nick Corcodilos’ Ask the Headhunter.
For practical advice on turning the job search upside down, go here. Lots of hard work is inside but the results speak for themselves.
Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense by Suzette Haden Elgin
Puts practical examples to common logical fallacies and argument tactics.
And don’t forget your textbook! It is a good one and something I would keep rather than sell back to the bookstore. If you are visiting from the class and have questions, just drop them here and I will reply.
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