Make Your Own Logs

DIY Alert!For those of you who would rather use eBay- rock on.  This article’s not for you.

There’s only one kind of cache hide that requires little or no customization for your swag, stash notes or logs and that’s the good old ammo can.  Heck, you can just toss half a ream of paper in there and call it good.  At the worst you might have to hit the nearest office supply aisle for spiral note pads and just drop ‘er in for the win.

But not every cache is an ammo can and let’s be honest, those regular spiral bound notepads are terrible log books.  One drop of water and those things disintegrate faster than, well, fast.  They fall apart even when dry, so why not spend a few extra minutes beforehand to craft something purpose built that will last?  I thought so.  Carry on then…

1) Get a template or two:
You can find log and stash note templates from a wide variety of sources, including  Properly sized logs require less folding and help keep your cache water tight.  I am trying to compile a comprehensive set of stash note and log templates for a long list of cache sizes and shapes here on the blog.  If you’ve got something special or a custom request, feel free to shoot it my way.

My templates can be found below the Resources tab, on the Templates Page.

2.) Get some good paper:
Solid bond (20# or better) and high brightness (94+) are absolutely critical to a log that will last if you construct it yourself out of standard paper.  The thin stuff is cheap, but has zero tolerance for moisture of any kind.  You can do that, or…

2a.) Get some all-weather paper:
Rite in the Rain makes notepads, field books and sells reams of weatherproof paper just for our purposes.  National Geographic brands their name on a PPG all-weather product and you can find some by iGage as well.  There are others, this should get you started.

Now before you lose your lunch at a $40 ream of paper, consider that a single sheet of paper can produce 5 complete 35mm film can logs and stash notes, the paper is also tear resistant and will probably last longer than your LPC!  😉

3.) Print, Cut, Hide
Keep in mind if you go with the all-weather paper it does not like pencil marks unless you use VERY soft lead.  That #2 signature Kawikaturn golf pencil you dropped in there just ain’t going to get the job done.  Use a ballpoint pen for best results.

And you’re done!  Even if you must use regular paper (as I do frequently) you’ll find a sharp looking log adds class and longevity to your cache over the “fold me up a scrap ‘o paper” approach.

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